Test Website in Different Browsers: Best Practices & Tools

Test Website in Different Browsers: Best Practices & Tools

As websites are the main form of business communication in the present digital age, the organization must ensure the website is compatible with various web browsers. Web clients can usually access the Internet using a variety of browsers, each with its version, rendering engine, and unique features.

Thus, web developers should test all platforms to ensure flawless usability, and quality assurance (QA) teams should test websites in different browsers. This article aims to provide a thorough overview of best practices and tools to raise the standard of online applications and process efficiency.

Browser Compatibility

Browser compatibility means the ability of a particular website to work on web browsers; the term is used to refer to the compatibility of a specific website or Web application to have proper function in numerous browsers.

Cross usability can be a challenge due to the many browsers available in the market currently, and the ones commonly used include Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Apple Safari, just to mention a few.

Differences in HTML rendering, CSS support, JavaScript interpretation, and rendering engines are observed to exist, and these differences ultimately result in variations in the look and feel of web content amongst browsers.

Why Browser Testing Is Important

Browser testing is essential to the web development and quality assurance process for several reasons:

  • User Experience (UX): Regardless of the visitor’s preferred browser, a seamless experience is guaranteed by maintaining consistent rendering across browsers. Users are encouraged to engage with the website more completely and gain confidence as a result of this consistency.
  • Accessibility: Developers can easily identify barriers that may have made content less accessible to some users by using multiple browsers to conduct an accessibility test. They can then work to ensure that all users can efficiently and effectively interact with the site’s content, regardless of the browser they are using or the assistive technologies they are using.
  • Performance: Web applications can be made faster and more responsive overall by optimizing them for each browser through browser testing. Extended periods of interaction are recommended, and this enhances the user experience.
  • Cross-Device Compatibility: Once cross-browser compatibility has been established, this configuration is easier for developers to create, particularly when it comes to adapting a site layout to numerous views and orientations.

To accommodate different standards of devices like desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones, the infrastructure and services portfolio must be as versatile as the application’s inconsistent interface.

  • Search Engine Optimization: Through its contribution to positive user metrics such as low bounce rates and longer session durations, browser compatibility indirectly influences search engine optimization. These components let search engines know that the website has relevant and valuable content, which could improve the website’s ranking in the search results.

Best Tools for Browser Testing

To encourage cross-browser compatibility and expedite browser testing, you can use cloud-based platforms like LambdaTest.

It is an AI-powered test orchestration and execution platform that allows you to run manual and automated Selenium testing at scale across 3000+ browsers and OS combinations.

The following are some of LambdaTest’s primary features:

  • Extensive Browser Coverage: By supporting a wide range of browsers, including older ones, LambdaTest guarantees comprehensive testing across numerous contexts.
  • Live and Automated Testing: Users have the option of performing automated tests using tools like Cypress, Selenium testing, and others, or they can undertake live interactive testing.
  • Responsive Testing: LambdaTest assists in verifying that a website is responsive, which is crucial because it allows the site to adjust to various screen sizes and resolutions, particularly for mobile devices.
  • Integration with CI/CD Tools: Travis CI, CircleCI, Jenkins, and other solutions used in the continuous development pipeline are only a few examples of the well-known CI/CD tools with which it is integrated.
  • Debugging Tools: The platform offers several tools that enable users to leverage browser logs, network logs, and photos in real time to assist users in quickly discovering and fixing issues.
  • Geolocation Testing: LambdaTest enables testing from many locations, ensuring that websites function correctly for users coming from various regions.
  • Smart Testing: It makes use of machine learning to prioritize the execution of tests, enabling the quicker identification of potential issues.
  • Collaborative Features: Members can easily exchange test results, images, and issues thanks to LambdaTest’s team collaboration features.

Tips for Effective Cross-Browser Testing:

To ensure thorough and effective browser testing, consider the following best practices:

  • Define Testing Protocols: Create explicit testing guidelines and checklists to ensure consistency and completeness in your testing activities. This entails specifying the exact browsers, versions, hardware, and operating systems that need to be assessed and the particular steps and prerequisites each test scenario must satisfy.
  • Frequent Regression Testing: Regression testing should be carried out often to find new compatibility issues, especially after website upgrades or alterations. This process ensures that issues that have been fixed stay fixed helps identify errors that might have been caused by modified code, and makes sure that overall functioning is not compromised.
  • Use of Virtual Machines: Utilize virtual Use virtual machine (VM) environments to test websites across different operating systems and browser configurations. Virtual machines (VMs) provide a cost-efficient and efficient way to simulate various user environments. It makes it easier for testers to switch between settings quickly and ensures comprehensive coverage.
  • Cross-Team Collaboration: Encourage collaboration among developers, QA testers, designers, and other stakeholders to address compatibility issues efficiently. Regular communication and cooperative review sessions can help identify problems early on and leverage the knowledge base of all teams to develop and implement effective solutions.
  • Keep Yourself Updated: To avoid or reduce compatibility concerns, keep up with new features, browser updates, and emerging technologies. By participating in pertinent forums and subscribing to browser release notes, one can receive advance notification of upcoming changes.
  • Automate Testing Process: For repetitive tasks like regression testing, use scripts and automated testing tools. While saving time and resources, automation can guarantee that routine checks are performed consistently and reliably across a range of browsers and devices, freeing up testers to focus on more challenging issues.
  • Test on Real Device Cloud: Real device tests can be carried out in addition to virtual machine testing. Real device testing ensures that the website works as intended in real-world scenarios and provides information about potential issues with device performance, screen sizes, and touch interactions that virtual machines might not be able to fully replicate.
  • Keep an Eye on User Feedback: Monitor bug reports and user feedback to identify and order compatibility issues. User feedback can provide valuable information about real-world challenges that were missed in early testing, allowing teams to promptly address these issues and improve the user experience overall.
  • Focus on Accessibility Testing: About ensuring that your website is user-friendly for visitors, remember to incorporate accessibility testing into your browser testing process. To enhance the user experience for all site users, including those with disabilities, accessibility criteria for websites, such as WCAG, should be verified using both automated tools and manual testing.
  • Load Testing: A website’s load time can be used to determine how well it performs under various browser circumstances, traffic volumes, and stress levels. It finds areas of concern, makes sure it functions and stays active during periods of high usage, and guarantees that customers using any browser receive a positive brand experience.

Best Strategies for Browser Testing

Combining automated and human testing methods results in an effective browser testing procedure. The following are some best practices to follow:

  • Determine Target Browsers: Make use of analytics tools to find out which browsers are most popular with your target audience. Consider demographics and regional areas as well to ensure that all aspects of your audience’s browsing habits are covered.
  • Testing for Responsive Design:  Ensure your design is responsive and functional cross-platform, with devices such as tablets, smartphones, laptops, and standard desktop computers. Use this approach, which involves starting with the tiny screens of mobile and expanding it up to other devices.
  • Functional Testing: To make sure that interactive elements are operating as intended, use both automated scripts and manual testing. For smooth browser interactions, pay special attention to form submissions, user inputs, and AJAX queries.
  • CSS and Layout Testing:  To identify and address uneven layout and styling, use browser testing tools and CSS preprocessors. Verify if browser-specific quirks and vendor prefixes are present to ensure a uniform appearance across all browsers.
  • JavaScript Compatibility:  To identify and troubleshoot JavaScript code compatibility issues, use the browser developer tools. Look at a variety of browsers and versions, observing minor variations in ECMAScript implementation and browser-specific APIs.
  • Performance Testing: Benchmarking and assessing website performance across multiple browsers can be accomplished with the aid of performance monitoring software. Optimize critical rendering pathways, employ browser caching, and restrict HTTP requests to enhance overall efficiency and user experience.
  • Accessibility Testing: To evaluate how accessible your website is, including screen readers and keyboard navigation in your testing process. Use automated accessibility testing methods in conjunction with manual audits to identify and address any barriers that keep people with disabilities from using the website.
  • Testing for Security: Conduct comprehensive security assessments to guarantee the security of the website across all browsers. Check for vulnerabilities on your system, such as cross-site request forgery (CSRF) and cross-site scripting (XSS), if any. To keep robust security, think about patching and updating third-party libraries and frameworks.


A crucial component of web development and quality control is browser testing. It ensures that across a range of browsers and devices, websites and online apps offer a consistently great user experience. Understanding browser compatibility and its importance for user experience, accessibility, performance, cross-device compatibility, and SEO can help developers and QA teams better understand the necessity for comprehensive testing.

By employing effective strategies, such as target browser identification, responsive design testing, functional testing, CSS and layout testing, JavaScript compatibility testing, performance testing, and accessibility testing, the process may be expedited, and comprehensive coverage can be guaranteed.

When utilizing reliable technologies like LambdaTest, which provides a strong platform for both manual and automated testing in a browser, browser testing may be made more accurate and efficient.

Using best practices guarantees a thorough and balanced method of browser testing. These include establishing testing procedures, carrying out load testing, automating testing, testing on actual hardware, keeping an eye on user input, giving accessibility testing a priority, utilizing virtual machines, collaborating with other teams, and automating testing.

In the end, extensive browser testing is required to guarantee that every user has a seamless, functional, and effective online experience regardless of their preferred browser or device. When QA teams and developers focus on browser compatibility and follow recommended strategies and best practices, they may meet the highest standards of quality and customer satisfaction.